this little guy was so good. only six days old. moms: remember newborn shoots are best when done within the first two weeks of life. he went right to sleep shorty after i arrived and stayed asleep for the entire session...which allowed mom and i to really have some fun. what do you think he's gonna say about this photos in 15 years when his hormones are raging and he thinks he's cooler than anyone he knows. i'm fairly certain he's not going to be pleased with us :0
caleb is baby number four in the family...anyone needing parenting advice...just talk to these guys. birth control advice? as fast as you can!
seriously, i really admire this family for many reasons let's play the "shanna word game". here's what comes to mind when i think about this family: good values, manners, lots of love, fun, dependable, authentic, compassionate and just plain delightful!
I can't decided which photos is my favorite. If you have an opinion please comment on the blog. I'd love to hear what you think!