dear lord! I don't know where to begin with this family. ok here's a starting point...
I LAUVE them!
sam and I go way back, ok not way back but any connection that has to do with mac-n-cheese is "special" i tell ya! ok not special.. in fact it was disgusting... the mac-n-cheese...not us. (good times)
moving on to the family. i tend to get real wordy at times so let me keep it simple (I know what you're saying...shanna? wordy?) so here's what i have to say about them...beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! enjoy! thanks guys i had a blast. and oh yeah this was all made possible by some super fantastic generous friends! (birthday gift certificate) she must be pretty cool to have friends like that! or they must be cool OR they are all cool. (too wordy?)
anyway get your eyes ready. as my very kentucky born "southern accent-y" daddy would say "law child yer so purtty you make my eyes hurt"!

yummy...he reminds me of my best boy charlie!

these are stella's fancy nancy toes!

"ladies and gentleman prepare to be astounded... the amazing stella will make her brother disappear before your very own eyes"! "POOF"!

dear lord!

mommy love makes my heart smile :)

what did he say to her? we all want to know! (sweet nothings? i think naughty nothings!)

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