oh and the food...AMAZING! Sorry to all you cateres out there but you know how "catered" food is...well elizabeth at relish is in a class all by her little ol' lonesome. the best catered food you will ever have!!! i dreamt about her empanadas last night!! please elizabeth leave a comment telling us what they were again? all i remember is "drizzled with a port wine and honey reduction". She is an artist with her food. A great chef!! take that daniel boulud, eric ripert, jean georges and thomas keller!! :) here's where to get some amazing food hook up: RELISH
and one more. want to look as fabu as these people?? uh huh! then check out paul right here: PAUL J. NATTER

boy do these people need to get out more and work on coming out of their shells! (seriously...it's a photographers dream to photograph people like this at events. makes our job super easy!)
really nelson...can you throw a girl a bone? you know cut me some slack? i think a few times nelson was taking a picture of me taking a picture of him...did you catch all that? (i loves me some fun people!)