maloof, maloof, maloof is on FIRE!! we don't need no water...
maria has been a client for a few years. she calls on me for all of her photography needs. she and i are both
members of
miami's junior league. she's very
involved and
i've joked with her many times that
i'd love to see her in the roll of
jlm pres. (the meetings would be a blast!)
she's funny, beautiful, elegant, classy, witty, entertaining and engaging. (girl crush you ask...perhaps) but in my "
hetero married girl w/ two kids defense"... you'd have a crush on her too if you met her!
muah maria!
she came to me because she needed photos for her new and
insanely fierce blog site! if you are like me and
dont have a clue as to what to wear, serve, decorate or basically prove that you have an ounce of style whatsoever...then turn to her cause lady... she's got more style in one eyelash than i will ever have!
please, not only check out her blog but become a follower. i use
google reader that way when i log on it will show me any new blog post of the blogs
i'm following.
muah maria!click below if you are in need...
maloof is on FIRE!here are some of our shots...
clearly proving her great sense of style...
(here are those eyelashes with such stye!)

I would
LOVE to hear from you...Which one or ones are your favorites!!!